Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fantastic Vegetarian Sandwich

I spent my day today sitting through a 7 hour training seminar...Thankfully they fed us! My manager, or somebody who must care about me and my tummy, told someone in charge of food that I am a vegetarian. Along with the great looking deli meat sandwiches that we're catered in, they also brought a delicious artichoke quinoa salad, and one lonely vegetarian sandwich. This sandwich was just so fabulous, I would love to try and make it for myself again!

All of these tasty ingredients sliced and layered up in a ciabatta style bun :

- Tomatoes

- Avocados

- Mozzarella

- Sprouts

- Purple Lettuce  (it may have been butter lettuce, but I'm no lettuce connoisseur, all I know is that it was purple)

- And a balsamic dressing

It's healthy, filling, and so delicious - I look forward to trying to remake it!

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